Platform pillar #1: Academic Excellence
Platform pillar #3: Accountability
Platform pillar #2: Affordability
Platform pillar #4: Academic Transparency
"Every election period in our town of Richmond there appears a candidate who goes all out to get to meet the residents. However in all my 22 years here I have never met anyone like Louise Dinsmore. She has energy beyond belief. I see signs in places I have never seen before."
-Melania Samsonoff VanderHooft (Richmond resident)
All A's for Chariho
Student performance and Proficiency
Successes and Failures of the Chariho District
Louise Dinsmore speaking to the school committee on July 16, 2024 regarding decorum

Louise Dinsmore asking about the flooding issue at Richmond Elementary School

Louise and Clay listening to the slate of conservative candidates make their pitch